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View Full Version : I got my number (CFG H3, TS2 mixed, DIAG)

07-18-2018, 08:45 AM
- Host configuration is missing ip address dhcp .Pls dont configure client-id because there is no client-id on DHCP Server
- SW410 :
+ there is a mac-address fix configure on e0/0 -> remove it
+ port-security issue
+ Int vlan 2001 is not advertised to OSPF
+ There is a wrong NAT configure on R14/R15

TK3 ( notice on this ,many issues )
+ advertise wan interface to bgp on both AS
+ R10 has route-map adv high LP
+ R22/R23 dont have bgp neighbor with SW210. It means R22 learnt routes from R23 but not from SW210
+ fix OSPF cost on one of interface to make traffic flow matches with requiremnt

TK4: cost community on R20

TK5 :
IPSEC issue ( wrong transform set configuration ) + some dmvpn configuration is not enough on R60

+ ipv6 unicast routing enable on Server 1
+ SW111 is not configured ipv6 dhcp and enable dhcp on int vlan 2001

+ ldp authentication on R1 and R3 but look carefully beteen cisco and cisc0
I took 10mins to realize !!

DHCP server (R30 , R31 ) is configured with incorrect default gw

I failed this.
initially , dmvpn already up but it suddenly down although i didnot change anything
from R70 can not ping R24 but R24 can ping R70 , i gussed nat but did check carefully but can not find the issue.
others have some ospf area missmatch between R71 and R24

for nat outside , it is used loopback interface instead of using e0/0 like wb
loopback int is advertised from both R24 and R25 to inside and outside but it is filtered on R25. Notice on that
so pls check carefully on it

same wb but instead on trying to remmember all question
it is better to understand how to find those answer
+ in packet capture , filter bootp to find dhcp packets
+ check flow to know src, dst ip
totally it is same with WB , except it is used loopback ( NAT POOOL ) for all cases
some importants updates ,pls asked from combat or ccdreamer
For multicast , check show ip pim mapping for both section ( DC and HQ ) before start to configure because from DC-multicast section it is not mentioned which interface is usded for discovery
On CORE MPLS , enable vpnv4 only

My adivsed :
+ practice hard and understand all technologies on both TS and CFG
+ lab slow so try to configure fast but surely . I only can checked again one time for cfg