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Thread: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

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  1. #1

    Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    Hi all,
    I passed ccie sp today. Thank so much my friend: facebook.
    this is my feeback:
    - diag: easy, solution same workbook
    - cfg: easy, solution same workbook. the interface in real lab was using giga interface not ethernet interface as unl file but don't worry about it.
    - ts: i got ts3. soltuon same workbook. i detail all the question and solution:

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    Last edited by IEcollection; 04-15-2018 at 04:14 AM. Reason: Don't mention about the vendor in your post

  2. The Following 172 Users Say Thank You to ccie_war For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    congratulations friend (Y) (Y)

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to facebook For This Useful Post:

    maximus (04-21-2022)

  5. #3

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    congratulations bro.
    Please share your workbook

  6. #4



    Just Created a CCIE Security v5 LAB, based on visual topo, but yet to complete and start the node and test, keep watching i will share the LAB soon.
    i will be testing the LAB with topo i have build next few weeks and post the LAB file here.

  7. #5

    crypto tab

    , ? , CryptoTab - -, , . , BTC ! :


  8. #6

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    Congrats, please share wb

  9. #7

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    Quote Originally Posted by Juan View Post
    Congrats, please share wb
    Worbook for ccie sp labs:

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    Last edited by CCIESP; 04-17-2018 at 01:04 AM. Reason: Hide link

  10. The Following 128 Users Say Thank You to Billy112 For This Useful Post:

    abdalhia (11-11-2019) , (08-17-2019) , addyroadies (05-26-2018) , ah1979 (10-02-2022) , AlexanderX (05-12-2018) , alfax001 (04-26-2019) , aliomdur90 (05-27-2018) , arema (05-13-2018) , aures (09-12-2018) , auto123 (04-10-2020) , backtoback (07-19-2019) , balzac13dark (06-30-2018) , baraa124 (06-03-2019) , bictor (07-16-2018) , bluebox (10-16-2020) , brby (02-16-2019) , brian514 (05-08-2019) , budagar (05-29-2018) , carcass (08-26-2018) , carlosfedorah (04-17-2018) , ccie20 (08-13-2020) , ccie2019 (04-19-2019) , Cciesp2018 (05-02-2018) , cciestudy2018 (05-14-2018) , CCIEWannaBe (06-19-2018) , ccieyagi (05-11-2018) , choko (05-13-2018) , christinutza31 (06-16-2018) , cscoccie (04-08-2019) , Daniel Deye (04-27-2018) , davince (06-04-2018) , direct (05-01-2019) , drifter (05-31-2019) , eb85 (05-15-2018) , edu2422 (06-01-2020) , eng.shadymagdy (06-01-2018) , fabrifibra (05-16-2018) , fatanu (08-12-2018) , fett (07-14-2019) , firedfry (11-26-2021) , fishlike (06-20-2018) , flip777 (04-05-2019) , flip7777 (06-26-2021) , gsingla (05-05-2019) , gsk21 (05-17-2018) , gunza2016 (09-03-2018) , Hamza_BEN_HAFDHALLAH (03-18-2020) , Hans (03-24-2021) , hieu.nguyentrung (04-17-2018) , iron123 (12-29-2020) , James (04-17-2018) , jaw79 (02-21-2019) , jedeye99 (04-03-2021) , jeffval8 (05-10-2018) , JK01 (05-30-2021) , jpfu02 (09-30-2018) , Juan (04-18-2018) , JuniperX (04-17-2018) , kalu (01-28-2021) , KashifBoota (10-21-2024) , Kourosh (09-16-2023) , kvaldelo (07-16-2019) , Kyaw Thet Aung (08-08-2019) , lkomocar (10-02-2018) , mades1 (01-28-2021) , mahmoudhhh (04-19-2019) , mandrato (05-26-2018) , manikandan1526 (02-27-2021) , marklucas2468 (04-20-2018) , mater (12-23-2018) , maximus (02-12-2021) , mctarro (05-12-2018) , medokman (07-16-2021) , medosayed87 (04-18-2018) , microMicro2 (02-01-2019) , mit12345 (05-11-2021) , MMZ (11-21-2018) , mohamedashiq.ali (02-18-2022) , mrj (08-04-2021) , N3rd (05-11-2018) , ner0x (02-12-2021) , netwo (05-16-2018) , nexthop.unchanged (05-10-2018) , Ng23 (05-08-2019) , ninjabh (06-08-2018) , nomagean (10-09-2018) , Olala (06-12-2018) , onemmnetworker (05-27-2018) , ozil32 (05-24-2021) , (07-08-2018) , Puttipon (04-19-2019) , qpizten (05-16-2021) , Rami916 (04-20-2019) , Ravi (08-16-2019) , rbi1 (05-19-2019) , Redes2019 (05-14-2018) , rickolas (06-26-2018) , roshket (02-07-2021) , Ruzcastroj (07-26-2019) , sadia (05-10-2018) , seanicor (05-08-2018) , sebaz9130 (07-09-2019) , seek2 (05-29-2018) , shadowmaster (08-13-2018) , shahrock (06-03-2019) , shaq090 (08-12-2018) , slukhoy (06-16-2019) , Sparkov (05-13-2018) , sparrow (09-04-2018) , stevolt (05-12-2018) , syutou (05-11-2018) , TAKEO_KIKUCHI (05-17-2018) , tanay1990 (06-12-2019) , Tbc88 (04-20-2019) , thold8 (08-21-2019) , titrombolanonna (05-27-2018) , TIZERICH (05-19-2018) , ttl253 (04-20-2019) , ujjalbs (02-28-2021) , vietcuong9212 (05-19-2019) , Walid (04-24-2018) , Wantccie (03-16-2021) , Willa (03-15-2021) , xyz296853 (09-06-2019) , yajnas (12-21-2018) , Yurukinai (05-14-2020) , zidu2008 (05-15-2018) , zohaibsiddiqui89 (05-28-2018)

  11. #8

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    awesome, thank you

  12. #9

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy112 View Post
    Worbook for ccie sp labs:

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  13. #10

    Re: Passed ccie sp lab 9 April

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy112 View Post
    Worbook for ccie sp labs:

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