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Thread: Unified MPLS - Metro and Core Inter-AS

  1. #1

    Unified MPLS - Metro and Core Inter-AS

    CCIE, Network Architect: Unified MPLS - Metro and Core Inter-AS

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    Technology Cover:
    - MPLS
    - IGP: OSPF
    - BGP: IPv4, VPNv4
    - BGP label Unicast (BGP-LU) - Next-hop-self
    - Control Plane Signaling with BGP LU
    - IOS XE and IOS XR Configuration

    Lab Objective:
    This technology and topology usually use in Service Provider. If we want to use unified MPLS tunnel from Metro network to Core IP Network, we can use this topology. on this LAB, we will learn how to configure BGP label-unicast.

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    maximus (11-05-2023) , maximus89 (09-21-2020) , mehmet (09-07-2024)

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